Getting Started with Syndesis as an Integration Platform

Getting Started with Syndesis as an Integration Platform

Anand Kane
Anand Kane

In their own words, Syndesis folks define it as a “No coding required integration platform that allows literally anyone to create integrations from the simplest to the most complex”. Doesn’t make much sense? Don’t worry. When you come back to this line again after having gone through this blog, it will all start making sense.

To understand Syndesis, we have to first understand the problem it addresses, which is ‘integration of heterogeneous systems/applications’. The word ‘integration’ refers, more specifically, to the data transformation and exchange between heterogeneous systems. Heterogeneity among various systems exists in the form of different protocols used for communication, different data formats, etc. Given that systems are not built with the integration needs in mind, integrating diverse applications has been, and continues to be, a major challenge for integration experts. This has lead to the creation of ‘integration platforms’, which are specialized software meant to address the complexities of system integrations.

Integration Platforms, Apache Camel, and Syndesis

An ‘integration platform’ is a software that facilitates system integration. There are many popular commercial and open source integration platforms available in the market; the de-facto open source framework being Apache Camel. Syndesis uses Apache Camel as its backbone technology to execute integrations. Apache Camel is the vanilla integration platform used to built integration applications by programmers. Whereas Syndesis is the platform built on top of it, which provides a UI for non-technical users to define and execute integrations.

Apache Camel is an implementation of integration patterns from the famous book Enterprise Integration Patterns by Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf. This book is a catalog of common and repetitive solutions (patterns) that experts have used over years to solve integration problems. In addition, Apache Camel also comes with a library of over 300 connectors to connect to most of the popular systems like SalesForce, DropBox, Twitter, AWS services, and many more. These are called ‘Components’ in Apache Camel’s terminology. These allow programmers to avoid writing boilerplate code to connect to different systems. For the systems for which there is no component out of the box, Apache Camel provides a battle-tested framework to build ones. The full list of Camel components can be found here.

Apache Camel, even with its rich implementation of integration patterns and component library, is still a tool for technical people. One has to know the technicalities of the integration domain and programming to write integrations in Apache Camel. Domain experts cannot just come in and start writing/executing integrations by themselves. For this, they need a platform that allows writing and executing integrations as many times as they want without depending on technical experts/programmers. This is where Syndesis comes in. It builds on top of an integration platform (Apache Camel being the de-facto one) and provides a user-friendly UI to end users so that they can write and execute integrations straight away. Please refer to the section ‘Creating a Basic Integration’ further down in this blog to get an idea of how easily domain users can create integrations in Syndesis. Take a look at the following screenshot to get a general idea of Syndesis platform.

Syndesis User Interface

Let’s start with getting Syndesis installed, and see how easy it is to create integrations without extensive technical know-how.

How to install Syndesis?

In its latest release 1.10.0, Syndesis can be installed on OpenShift clusters. Syndesis installation on the Kubernetes cluster is still a ‘work in progress’ and may be available in its next release. Owing to this, you need an OpenShift cluster for installing Syndesis. In this blog, we will install Syndesis on Minishift, which is a single-node OpenShift cluster meant for development purposes. Minishift is to OpenShift what Minikube is to Kubernetes. Let’s see how to get Syndesis up and running on Minishift.

In order to install Syndesis on Minishift, you first need to have Minishift installed. Follow this link to install Minishift. Once you have Minishift installed, follow the below steps to install Syndesis.

  • Get the syndesis command-line utility to install Syndesis.

      sudo ln --symbolic $(pwd)/syndesis /usr/local/bin
  • Install Syndesis

      syndesis minishift --install --project syndesis --nodev --tag 1.10.0

In the above command, ‘minishift’ is the command of the syndesis CLI tool used to install Syndesis on a Minishift cluster. For other OpenShift clusters, use the ‘syndesis install’ command instead. Let’s briefly look at the arguments used in the command.

–install directs the command to install Syndesis.

–project syndesis directs the command to install Syndesis in a dedicated Kubernetes namespace called ‘syndesis’. If there is an existing installation by the same name, it will be deleted (the namespace will be deleted) before a new installation is carried out. If you only want to delete the existing installation named ‘syndesis’, simply omit the –install argument.

–nodev this option is somewhat unusual. Although there is no mention of it in the CLI documentation, I have observed that installation gets stuck forever if this option is missing.

–tag directs the command to download and install a given version of Syndesis. Absent this, the command downloads the unreleased latest version, which may or may not be stable.

Some other arguments related to Minishift are,

–reset resets the Minishift installation. More specifically, deletes the VM running Minishift and recreates it.

–full-reset deletes the ~/.minishift folder in addition to deleting the VM. ~/.minishift is the folder that holds the Minishift artifacts like the ISO image of the VM. Use this option with care since it forces downloading of the ISO image, which is ~375 MB.

–open use this option to open the Syndesis project in the browser or to obtain the URL of the Syndesis project.

Another way of installing syndesis is by building it from source code. You can download the source code and build the syndesis project locally. To do this, clone a particular branch and use the syndesis build command to build it.

git clone --single-branch --branch=1.10.0

Creating a basic Syndesis integration

There are plenty of quick start examples by Syndesis, which are pretty much up to date and easy to follow. There is no point in duplicating them here. However, for those eager to find out how an integration looks like in Syndesis (and leave the detailed examples for later), given below are steps to create a simple integration.

Webhook2PostgresDB integration

This integration gets data from an HTTP POST request and inserts it into a database table. Consequently, this integration opens two connections; a ‘Webhook’ source connection to read data from and a ‘PstgresDB’ connection to write data to. ‘PostgresDB’ is a pre-configured connection to a database that is installed as part of Syndesis installation. If you list the pods in the syndesis namespace, you should see a pod named like syndesis-db-x-xxxx.

Follow along with the steps below to create and test the integration. We will get ‘firstname’ and ‘lastname’ in the incoming HTTP POST payload and insert them into the ‘contact’ table of PostgresDB connection.

Create integration

  • Go to the integrations page and click the Create Integration button.

    Integrations landing page

Create source connection

  • Select Webhook on the Choose a connection page.

    Choosing Webhook connection

Steps hereafter are self-explanatory and do not need screenshots. So just follow along.

  • Select Incoming Webhook on the following screen. That is the only available option.
  • Accept default value for Webhook token and click Next.
  • On the Specify Output Data Type screen that follows,
    • Select JSON instance for Select type.
    • Add the following in the Definition text box,

        "firstname": "placeholder",
        "lastname": "placeholder"
  • Add request payload (or any suitable name) for Data Type Name field.
  • Click Next to complete Source connection creation.

Create sink connection

  • Select PostgresDB on the Choose a connection page.

    Choosing PostgresDB connection

  • Select Invoke SQL on the following screen.
  • Input the following SQL query for SQL Statement and click Next. Note the :#fisrtname and :#lastname syntax in the query. These are the placeholders in the integration and will be mapped to the corresponding fields in the incoming HTTP payload. This completes the Sink Connection creation.

    insert into contact (first_name, last_name) values (:#firstname, :#lastname)

Data mapping

  • Click on Add a data mapping link as seen in the following screenshot. Alternatively, you can click the plus button between the two connections and select a DataMapper step.

    Select Data Mapper

  • Map the placeholders in the SQL query to the fields of HTTP payload as shown in the following screenshot. Simply drag the fields on the left side and drop them on the corresponding fields on the right side.

    Data Mapper page

  • Click Done to finish the mapping and move on to publishing the integration.

Publish integration

  • Input name for the integration and click Save and Publish.

    Save the integration page

  • Wait for the integration to get published. You can watch the status on the blue status bar.

    Summary page of our integration

Test integration

  • Once the integration is successfully published, copy the External URL.

    Summary page - external URL

  • Issue following commands from the command shell. This will post an HTTP request and trigger the integration.

    externalURL=Your copied URL goes in here
    curl -k --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{ "firstname": "some first name", "lastname": "some last name"}' $externalURL
  • To confirm that the integration executed successfully, go to the Activity tab. You should see a record similar to the one in the following screenshot.

    Summary page - activity tab

  • Do the following to see the record inserted in the PostgresDB.

    • Exec into syndesis-db-x-xxxx pod using the command kubectl exec -it syndesis-db-x-xxxx -n syndesis -- bash. Name of the namespace used in this command should be what you used for --project while installing syndesis.
    • Once inside the container, get into the PSQL shell using the command psql -U sampledb.
    • Execute query select * from contact; and you should see a new record with the first and the last name you used to invoke the integration.

That’s all there is to create a simple integration. Now let’s move on to see how to write custom integration code if required.


An extension is Syndesis’ way of writing custom logic. The two cases in which you will be required to write custom logic are:

  • Apply transformations to the data before it is written to the destination sync.
  • Connect to systems for which Syndesis does not provide a connector out of the box.

Consequently, there are two types of extensions,

  • Step extensions: For creating custom transformation logic.
  • Connector extensions: For creating custom connections.

One more type of extension, called library extension, also exists. There are times when a Step extension depends on third party libraries or a Connector extension requires a specific driver. Library extensions are the way to provide such dependencies to the integrations at runtime. The most notable example of this type of extension is a JDBC driver.

Currently, the extensions are supported in the form of a JAR. That means extensions have to be written in Java, packaged as JAR, and then uploaded in Syndesis projects. Once an extension is uploaded, it is available for use in integrations. More information about writing a syndesis extension can be found here and creating an extension.

Syndesis and Red Hat Fuse

Fuse is a complete integration solution provided by Red Hat. Syndesis is one of the ten member technologies that make up Red Hat Fuse. Please find more information about Fuse and its member technologies here. Although Syndesis can be used independently, if you find yourself in need of other member technologies of Fuse, it is a good idea to explore it.


Syndesis is an awesome tool when it comes to empowering non-technical end users to create and execute integrations on the fly. It removes the need for collaboration between end users and integration developers, thereby saving a lot of time. Of course, there are times when writing custom code is inevitable and developers have to come in to write Syndesis extensions. However, such cases are very infrequent if compared to using plain Apache Camel without Syndesis.

That brings us to the end of the blog. More detailed information about Syndesis can be found on the Syndesis’ official documentation page.

Hope this blog helped you to get started with Syndesis and create your first integration. We’d love to hear about your experience; do start a conversation on Twitter.

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